Reconnecting with my spirit, I move gracefully into the future, dusting off a myriad of dreams too long forgotten.
So many things I always planned to do "someday". If "someday" isn't now, then when?

20 September 2010

This is not always fun!

So the honeymoon period is wearing off on occasion . . . biking and walking everywhere is not so easy on some days. I do get tired, all I can do is keep thinking that this is good for me and I'm burning calories and getting stronger.

Exactly why there can't be a car. I have outsmarted my reluctance to exercise, and have forced myself to do same. Getting to work, the drugstore or running errands, I need to move my body and expend energy. Feels good most of the time.

I am on a high-protein diet, and before you start telling me how bad that is for me, let me tell you that it's really good for me and my digestion system. I try to not eat any carbs at all, then when I need some it's okay. Now when I want that pastry, I can think how difficult it was to bike yesterday, and not null that effort by eating stuff I don't need right now..

This works for me and it's a natural way for me to eat. When I was younger I never ate pasta, bread or potatoes, just meat, fish, pork, poultry, sea food and veggies. Except for that year in high school when I only ate french fries and drank chocolate milk and kept my figure and my clear skin. Irritated everyone!

It's the cave man diet, ever read "Clan of the Cave-bear"?

Motivation tip of the day: I just catch a glimpse of myself in the store window .. . knowing that I will be tickled pink at that image soon enough. I want it to be sooner, not later . . . another motivating factor.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that complex carbs are ok. Your body needs some,which could be why you are tired. Also, the more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will work. It's a full moon here - there too?
