Reconnecting with my spirit, I move gracefully into the future, dusting off a myriad of dreams too long forgotten.
So many things I always planned to do "someday". If "someday" isn't now, then when?

11 September 2010

Upcoming Topics

I just love the Tree Of Life!

There are so many things I want to write about, but I still have laundry and dishes to do. So I'll list them here as I remember those things I want to pay attention to again.

   Sherlock Holmes
    Moulin Rouge
    Fairies & Gnomes
    Wood Spirits

    1 comment:

    1. I love your list! I also thought I would let you know that I moved my blog recently to bogspot but before that Gyspea Tree was at:
      There are lots of gypsy images over there if you are interested.
